Year: 2024

Hail Storm

Hola last week there was lots of ice flying threw the sky it was cool because we get to go outside and touch them and played with them i was just playing with my friends with the ice it not called ice i just like to call it it but it actually hail it was very funny and very fun because people keeps on slipping on the hail after that we went back inside and started to write about it


Fact about moons

Hello people today i’m gonna tell u all about my fact about the moon

Did you Know that the moon changes shapes

Did you know that the moon is a rock and Metal and the sun reflection on the moon so it can shine at night

Did you know that the moon has gravity

What I know about I know about the moon is the moon has low tide and high tide

what I know about moon that the moon is invisible

what I know about the moons that it takes 28 days to orbit around the sun

The Moon is a lot smaller than The Sun

there is no water at the moon

you cant live on the moon because there is no oxygen



Hello Today I’m Gonna show you my recording about planet did you know that mars is the cold a planet it about -100 degrees. you cant live there because the temperature gets very very cold at night mars may look hot but its actually very cold the diameter about mars is 6,779 km as you can see people wearing a suit because there is no oxygen in space and there is no gravity on average mars is 140 million miles and 225 million km away from earth mars color is reddish orange


Hello guys

Today I’m writing about gravity and space in earth did u know that if there was zero Gravity from earth then u cant breath or drink water and if u try to cook something a fire will float

do know there is Gravity in earth in earth because Isaac newton was the man to study about Gravity because Once he was sleeping under an apple tree and the apple fell off on his head and it gave him a idea to study about Gravity. if you hold a ball or a apple and throw it up it will go down there is a invisible clue around the earth u cant see it tho. it impossible to get Gravity from space because if space got Gravity then

Smart Imagines

Hello Today i did some fun stuff today i learn that people makes books and pay the imagine so the people can pay the book and the person that made the books get there money the fun part about doing this was taking photos and drawing anything i draw a Tongan flag because im from Tongan.


Isla couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw a creature like no other. She carefully padded the creature’s head without knowing it was a dinosaur. She felt as if the dinosaur was a new friend, Feeling the hard rough scales it was like feeling concrete rocky ground. Is love is just a little girl she didn’t know the things that could hurt her she wasn’t threatened by the sharp pointy teeth of the Dinosaur. Instead, she kept coming closer and closer. Isla felt a strange connection between the dinosaur and herself. The dinosaur started to like her and came to meet Isla and her tree house in the middle of the forest. Soon later they started to meet each other a lot and play with each other.   It looked like she had a new pet. To Isla it felt like a pet dog, but strangely to the dinosaur she learned a new language which was dinosaur language,  isla learned how to speak dinosaur. One day when the sun was shining high,  a small ray of sunshine was waiting for her outside. It was the dinosaur that happened but then the world felt like a mother. Isla even learned a new language which was dinosaur language, Isla learned how to speak dinosaur. One day when the sun was high and shining,a small ray peaked through Isla’s window. Isla rubbed her eyes and stood up. The dinosaur was waiting for her to wake up. Isla asked what had happened  but then… the dinosaur ran away and Isla ran after him  and then when they got there Isla was shocked and amazed because she saw the most magnificent thing in the world . It was the dinosaur forest which everybody wanted to see but never found and when Isla saw it she felt very special . Isla saw ten different

dinosaurs with spectacular patterns  and colours. The dinosaur wanted Isla to meet his family and he even met his family. After seeing hundreds of animals  Isla thought she should give the dinosaur a name and she named him Rocky because his scales were rocky.  When Isla came back from the Dino forest she found a letter outside her house and she got so happy because it was from her gran dad, but when she read it her face fell because her granddad was calling her back to the city but Isla couldn’t leave Rocky behind so she decided to take him with her. She was afraid that the people wouldn’t let Rocky come in so before she had let she sent a letter to her gran dad and told him about the information so he could warn people to not be scared. Then Isla’s gran dad spreaded the information but 2 people didn’t like and didn’t want the dinosaur to come so they decided to kill the dinosaur before they came and the 2 people were big criminals. When Isla was halfway to reach the city she got really thirsty so she said to Rocky “ I will be back, don’t worry and stay here”, Rocky listened. When the 2 criminals saw Isla going they quickly shooted Rocky. Isla heard a huge noise and turned she couldn’t believe what she saw, Rocky was on the floor struggling. Isla ran to the rocky as fast as she could, she looked for help but was hopeless. But she saw the 2 criminals going and tried to


stop them. It was too late and Rocky was gone, Isla sadly reached home in the city and told her grandpa. Her grandpa asked “ Can you describe the 2 criminals’ ‘?  Isla said “ they had a golden watch and the same rings’ ‘. Her gran dad knew who it was and quickly ran to the police station and the police knew who it was and captured them.  When Isla got older she became  a writer and made books about dinosaurs. Guess what the Dino’s name was, it was Rocky. One day it was Isla’s lucky day